To improve the quality and relevance of medical education at all levels- undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional development in line with World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)
Objectives of SEARAME
The Association’s objectives are to promote the development of medical education at all level. For this, the Association shall:
- contribute to the setting of standards in medical education for good practice with regard to teaching and assessment, taking special note of the standards developed by the WFME
- foster communication amongst medical educators and medical schools in the countries of South East Asia and beyond through:
- periodic conferences on aspects of medical education deemed of importance;
- stimulating the exchange of teaching and evaluation of materials developed between teachers and institutions, through meetings, journal, guides, other publications and by maximizing the opportunities presented by the use of modern information technology;
- promote visits of medical educators between member countries.
- help evaluate and report when appropriate on suitable procedures for training students and medical teachers, through meetings, journals, guides and other publications if needed;
- collect, through member associations where they exist, factual evidence from medical schools, centers and institutions in member countries in South East Asia about objectives and programmes in medical education in order to help describe, distribute and document methods of medical education in South East Asia;
- encourage medical education research being conducted in countries in South-East Asia and give support to research projects exploring aspects of medical education;
- promote collaboration with other regional associations for medical education under the umbrella of the World Federation for Medical Education;
- promote the collaboration and synergy in health system and medical education in the context of the country;
- promote the establishment or make available the information regarding quality accreditation system to member countries.