Links to a number of useful web resources to help improve quality of Medical Education in your Institution QUALITY IMPROVEMENT

WFME Trilogy: World Federation for Medical Education’s documents for improving the quality of Under Graduate, Post Graduate as well as Continuing Professional Development education. To this, one for PhD Education has been added

Faculty Development Resources & links on a large number of Teaching -Learning methods & tools
Teaching & Learning Resources Stanford University
Teaching Tools – McMaster University
Teaching Guides University of Minnesota
Bibliography: from the University of Toronto
Faculty Development links – Florida State University

AAMC Best Practices in CME (click here)
Resident Teachers the Skills development Website of the University of California Irvine
Teaching Resources: Academic Portfolios, Writing Objectives, Case-based learning, Large & Small-group learning – Florida State University
Learning and Teaching Resources: Center for research on Teaching & Learning, University of Michigan
Evaluation of Teaching: University of Michigan

Learning Styles Models- Felder: Assessment of Learning Style preferences; Kolb’s Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning & Education: Philosophy, Theory, Practice and Resources
Teaching Strategies: Experiential Learning – University of Michigan
Problem Based Learning– McMaster University
EDUCATION RESEARCH: Resources to help you carry out educational research or show you how others have done it ….

Free Online Survey Software

SurveyMonkey: to enable anyone to create professional online surveys quickly and easily
QuestionPro: a web-based service for conducting online surveys, ideal for simple projects Create your own free survey in 10 minutes…
StatPac Survey: to conduct online surveys, telephone interviewing (CATI), or traditional paper questionnaires.
WHO Resources:

The WHO Library Documents & Publications: Useful WHO documents, Bulletins, TRS, Monographs
WHOLIS: WHO e-library search of WHO Publications. It indexes all WHO publications from 1948 onwards
The SEARO WHO Information Source: resources available from WHO SEARO
Resources for Health Workforce Development
E-learning in UG Health Professions Education: Systematic review of effectiveness
Global Health Library
WHO & Medical Education: Links to descriptions of activities, reports, news and events & WHO Directory of Medical Schools
BMJ Resources:

How to read a paper;
Statistics at square one;
Archives of BMJ on line;
Evidence Based learning;
ERIC There are now more than 100,000 documents in ERIC® that can be downloaded for free by anyone, on demand. The International Handbook of Research in Medical Education: a book in 2 volumes containing review of current research findings and contemporary issues in health sciences education

Free Medical Journals:

MedIND Biomedical Journals from India; Qmed: More Indian journals
NEJM Free access for developing countries
HighWire Press site of Stanford University
The Geneva Foundation site;
Bioline International site;
Free Medical Journals site;
The PubMed Central open list;
Rowland Medical Library E-Resources of the University of Mississippi Medical Center
JAMA Archives;

Reference Style: BMA links to the Vancouver and Harvard styles of referencing articles in journal and book publications.
Uniform Requirement for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors site

WMA International Code Adopted by the 3rd General Assembly of the World Medical Association, London, England, October 1949 covering duties of Physicians in general, these towards patients and colleagues etc.
WMA Ethics Manual it helps prepare medical students and physicians to better navigate through the many ethical challenges we face in our daily practice
Helsinki Declaration Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects
Journal of Medical Ethics from the BMJ stable, this journal seeks to promote ethical reflection and conduct in scientific research and medical practice
MEDICAL EDUCATION JOURNALS Links to Medical Educations that are freely available on-line and those that require a subscription. EDUCATION TOOLS Links that are a wealth of resources to tools used in improving student learning: